We are conducting, frankly, a fishing experiment to see if there might be some likeminded professional individuals that have skills and means that would be interested in being an integral part to help create a hub of
permaculture madness in north Idaho. We have the
land and a tangible vision but are looking for professionals that might be interested in "buying-in" to a building (and your house) and contribute to a business for the betterment of our environment and our community.
As things in the world get more interesting, and more folks have the capability of working remotely, our thought is to have a few professional folks in a central hub to help create not only an educational environment for demonstration, but also to have a space that such likeminded folks can call home and utilize proposed infrastructure for all sorts of coursework, demonstrations, seminars, etc. The hope is to have at least 3 professionals (along with their families if applicable) that are interested helping build on this thought. Ideally, but not inclusive to, folks that are proficient in regenerative farming practices,
food preservation and cooking, appropriate/alternative technologies, luddites, muscovites, self-sustainability, etc. I'm a soil scientist, botanist, ecologist, rancher... my list goes on (and a hell of a cook), but I do realize I can't specialize in every avenue of permaculure, and well, it takes a small community to make it all work. Oh, the possibilities.
We haven't completely worked this thought through. But the general thought is to see if there might be some folks with a productive/professional/educational interest in buying into not only a piece of land but into a building. Land is already procured and owned, it's a matter of build it. This space would act as not only your home but also a hub for your work space, hopefully a business partnership, while also being part of growing your own food. To build a small community of likeminded professionals with likeminded ideals, drive, foresight, development and expanding on these concepts of craziness would be a level of extreme awesomeness.
We currently have about 15 acres in north Idaho, very productive land. There is space for a long house/education facility (110ft x 35ft x 3 stories, 1/2 buried). We are of 3, but thinking we could fit quite a few additional people and still be fairly self
sustainable on this land, if worked intensively and appropriately.
A little background leading to this post. This summer, I was talking with a friend, and he mentioned something about wanting to build a "small house" on our property. We had already been thinking about putting out a couple yurts... but it got me thinking more, and thinking along the lines of much bigger... even before my friend had mentioned anything, my wife and I had already been thinking about creating a small "commune" ...hahaha, more along the lines of an autonomous collective. But this ain't no hippie dippy fubar.
The big goal. To build a long house with a huge kitchen, an attached green house, and
enough space for an educational venue to entertain small groups of folks (10-30). In the plans are at least 3 suites for permanent buy-ins and maybe a few more rooms for guests or other educational rooms, and definitely a library. I have some brief sketches on the building (subject to change), but it's going to be at least half
underground. There are so many possibilities of how to put this together, but built into the hill side. Oh, it will be quite marvelous if comes to fruition.
As this whole crap in the universe continues on, we are all looking at some potentially interesting times ahead. We have some interesting views on crazy aunt Rona. Be it as it may, the avenues of working remotely have improved dramatically. To build a place of residence that can also be an educational center while working together to create refuge from the craziness of the world coupled with producing sustenance to maintain ourselves to the best of our abilities is quickly becoming a critical need. And I'll add, to be able to create a place that can be a demonstration for what all of our neighbors in our broad vicinity of earth can do on their own is always immensely rewarding. To teach someone to fish.
Please send an email or PM if even remotely interested.
I've gotten to the point where I'm going to start calling architects to see if they might be interested. I've already reached out to the
local universities (architectural dept.s) seeing if this might be a potential "capstone"
project for their students. And there are so many grant possibilities on so many levels. I've attached some draft sketches below, sans intimate details, just the first (or third) draft.
Send a note. Let's chat.