Cor Blimey wat a lovely websi- OK, that's
enough cockney nonsense.
Firstly I'd like to thank Paul and all of you for this great site, I've been lurking on here for the last two years and having finally signed up I am looking forward to contributing to this quality community.
I'm Dave and I live in the suburbs of London, England and have been into
Permaculture for about 3 years now. I completed my
PDC with
Geoff Lawton last year.
My background is that I grew up playing around on allotments as a child before re-discovering horticulture in my 20s and taking on a couple of plots myself. My interest in doing things differently to the typical "Dig for Victory" style of allotment management lead me to
Permaculture and I am trying to implement various techniques and approaches on the plots.
My future involves (hopefully) getting some
land, building a farm and then eventually (depending on planning permission) building a dwelling on it. For those wondering how I plan to do this; I intend to use the "Farm to Field" method written about in the book of the same name by David Acreman. It's a bit long winded to explain but the gist is that with the right piece of land, you might be able to get planning permission for a dwelling
should you build a legitimate and profitable agricultural business. Or I win some money and just buy an existing farm. The sensible option would be to leave the UK and go somewhere more conducive to my dream but I dont want to be in seperate countries to my family. Wales is an option though.
I should say that whilst I mention "profitable business" I am not interested in getting into exploitation. I want to build a viable ethical agricultural business based in
I also hope to expand my design portfolio with more plans for people; but I will need to do some
WWOOFing to get more hands-on
experience with established
Permaculture operations.