I recently was given a large number of seeds of Bigtooth Maple Acer grandidentatum, our native Texas maple, and I would like to be able to grow these successfully. Can anyone give me some hints about how to get them to germinate? I'm thinking they need to be scarified and stratified.
Any information about how to sprout and grow these would be greatly appreciated.
I have seen the Bigtooth Maple in Mexico and Texas, near Big Bend. Is it the same as canyon maple? I know that scarified soil helps with regeneration of sugar maple, so maybe it's the same with the bigtooth.
Yes, canyon maple and bigtooth maple are the same tree.
Apparently maple like to grow from fresh seed, so I need to get these guys into the fridge to stratify as soon as I can. But apparently they don't need scarification.
Hi Ludi, did you take those acer grandidentatum seeds out of cold stratification yet? I wild harvested 100 seeds from the manzano mountains here in New Mexico and did coax one into germinating after the cold stratification. They're very beautiful trees when they turn red in the fall.
Yes, I potted up the seed and am waiting to see when/if they sprout! The batch I stratified in the freezer looked kind of dead when I put them in there, I think they had been stored in a wet place and may have decayed (I got them from a friend). But the other seeds were fresh-looking and have been outside for the winter in a pot.
Idle dreamer
No. No. No. No. Changed my mind. Wanna come down. To see this tiny ad:
the permaculture bootcamp in winter (plus half-assed holidays)