I struggled some with finding a proper size draining /drying rack to use while making my first batch of cheddar. I made due with a square barbecue vegetable cooking rack... it worked ok over the sink , uneven but usable. However when I wanted to press my cheese... I made it work but it wasn't easy. My pressing was done with a pile of weights over my kitchen sink... wife wasn't impressed..uneven rack... (it only toppled once honest... ) Decided to try plan "B" the three 5 gal
bucket stacking method. This worked great, but I struggled to find a rack that would fit in the bucket. Today I had the time to look on ebay and found the perfect size rack to use. ( 272138890527 )
Excellante-Nickel-Plated-Round-Cooling-Steamer-Rack-10-1-2-Inch-New-Free-Shipping less than $12.00 delivered ! I ordered mine this morning.