I am currently looking for property in Western Oregon (between Eugene and Portland) to create a small
permaculture demonstration farm and micro-community. Before I obtain a suitable property, I want to feel out the demand for tinyhome (w/wheels) parking space. During my initial start up phase, I will recruit individuals who are looking for a nice spot to park their off-grid tinyhome. I am especially interested in people with building or handyman skills. I hope to obtain property within the year.
We would have to come to an agreement beforehand to ensure a good fit.
Rent ($200-400?) and work trade possibility
Timing and length of stay
I am willing to share amenities such as kitchen and
shower on occasion
No substance abuse
Please no pets or children
Property will have:
2-20 acre
Functional dwelling w/ shared space
RV hookup possible but not guaranteed
Small plot for personal garden
Within an hour of Eugene, Corvallis, or Portland
Eventually <10 tinyhome spaces
Demonstration farm will be developed according to the following values:
Respect towards nature and people
income streams
Welcoming visitors: renters, woofers, volunteers, b&b, students, customers
Education, outreach and community
Anyone interested? I’d love to discuss the possibilities!