I have been thinking of getting a temporary flock in to manage my understory until I can get the sheep prison established. There are a few of these operations around but I don't want to
jerk their chain because I am really concerned I will establish hoof rot or other illness on my property, which to my knowledge has had only
deer on it for decades so
should be pretty pristine microbially.
Am I too gunshy? I don't think the other parasites are as big a concern since we are at least a year from establishing a herd, but I have about 5 acres foragable and am clearing another 5, but this will require some tactical clearing around a power line and I am working methodically and safely, and unfortunately the permanent fencing would be right in the area of the power line easement. A rent-a-flock would bring their own electric
fence by my understanding.
Advice would be welcome!