I've had this idea for a while to use high voltage to kill borer bugs. Been looking all over trying to find any info on anyone using high voltage on fruit tree trunks to kill borers. I have found nothing. I know it is used on buildings to kill termites. I'm considering it on two of my fruit
trees. I want to hear any
feed back from anyone that knows of any info. One of these trees is a cherry that is heavily infested with borer.
I have a taser that I am going to modify for the
project. The goal is very high voltage and very low current so as to not harm the tree. A taser is perfect for this. Just need to extend the probes a bit to fit around a trunk 180 deg from each other. I'm not sure yet how much internal insulation the taser has, it may get damaged as I widen the arc gap. details on the zapper don't concern me its the affect on the tree. I know it will kill the bugs, I just don't know how it will affect the tree. I'm guess ing it will be better to do this before sap starts flowing.
Any thoughts???