Dollar Street imagines a world where everyone lives on the same street and the houses are ordered by income. The poorest live on one end, and the richest live on the other end.
The significance of income level is brilliantly illustrated by Dollar Street. Anna sent photographers to profile hundreds of homes from countries all over the world. You can sort these homes by income, location, or even household object (so for example you can have it show you just beds, or dish soap, or cooking utensils). Each house is meticulously tagged and includes a biography of the family that lives there. You can explore 135 objects belonging to each family, from their front door to the shoes they wear. The user interference is simple and intuitive to use.
quote from here
dollar street
Not only is there a social-economic element to this site, but it is also a wonderful pictorial reference for those interested in living a simpler lifestyle or those interested in natural building techniques. Just look at all the different kinds of floors around the world - so many more than I could have imagined.