We have a brand new simple pump that we didn't use. If you know of anyone near Roanoke VA that might be interested, please give them our info: 540-482-0796 (home).
- Simple Pump Model 125L
- 36" Lever Arm
- 6.25" Boshart well cap
- Qty 8 of 9' drop pipe kit, sucker rod, rod guide (total 72 feet)
- Pitless adapter
- Rod extender
- Replacement seal kit
- Safety tool (required by mfr)
- 24v gear motor, 24vDC, 1/4HP
- MAX LIFT (total head) 150′
- Qty 2
solar panels (230 watt)
Solar panel mount ("s" rail adjustable for 2 panels)
- Charge controller
- Inter-connect cable
- Qty 2 surge protectors
- Qty 2 ground lugs
(solar battery not included)
We paid $4210, but please make us an offer!!!