Single 62y omni creative woman. Interested in meeting someone living the artist permie life... cause that's my vibe. I'm not exactly looking for anything serious, but I wouldn't count it out. Taking time to become friends first.
Searching to buy a place. A dirt cheap old house with good land for gardens. Pennsylvania, NY Virginia, totally undecided until I get there. I'm a restaurant vet & gardener. Cook, Baker, Yogurt maker 😆.. a gardener and nursery mam.. ran seed swaps for years, and was a contract grower of herbs and seedings..etc. Took a class with Sepp Holzer about 6 years ago in Loma Mar California. A truly great experience.
Now, I am designing fabric and have a huge online portfolio of my patterns. Politically left, but absolutely not hippier than tho...
My deal breaker; I won't deal with people into porn or prostitutes (the reason for my divorce and ex husbands bankruptcy), or macho men of any stripe. Strong yes, smart yes, funny, no way, get outta here.
If you're in N.J., N.Y.,PA. Man, woman, non binary, and you're interested in having a beer or going to a museum .. a low pressure hang out, say hi. Let's be friends.
P.S. Revised from 7 months ago. Worth mentioning it's also on my radar to find a communal living situation, until I figure out where exactly I would like to buy.