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Bradley McLoghlin

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since May 02, 2012
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Recent posts by Bradley McLoghlin

Number 2 is definitely how I would like to do it. I really want to travel the world. I have never left the US or my timezone for that matter. I want to see more of the world. I think it would be good for me. I have a very frugal personality with a strong desire for adventure. I believe I could go way under the standard of low-budget travel and still be happy.

It's right for me and it's something I would want to do. Only there is no real security in doing so. I'm afraid of this. Are there really enough people doing this were over my time of traveling I will make friends that are like-minded?
11 years ago
I'm turning 21 in two months and I had dropped out of school and have been jobless for quite some time.

I've always been interested in this type of lifestyle but I guess I've always been afraid to take the leap. I have about $15,000 saved up and I just don't want to see it disappear for getting world wide experience if I'm never going to be able to own my own plot of land one day. My ultimate fear would be having to come back home and having all of this great life experience only to find out that I'm broke, and only eligible for minimum wage fast food or retail job. I would one day like to own land where I could do things exactly as I want. I don't understand how you get the money to do it though.
11 years ago
Many hallucinogenic plants/extractions cause uterus contractions that WILL abort. Morning glory seeds, wood rose seeds, and ergot fungus the most common.
12 years ago
My fertility is one of the things that I value about myself the most... I'd never undergo something like this. I just can't see any other perspective on the issue. Condoms work just fine for me.
12 years ago
Going to public school was some of the worst times of my life. Surrounded by a bunch of crap and I swear public school is as much of a zoo as it is a school. All of my friends where from recreational sport teams that I played on. I think if I was home schooled I would of been much better off than I am now, with the same exact social life, maybe even a better one. I'd like to try homeschooling out with my kids if I ever have them. Maybe a little to early for me to start thinking about that.
12 years ago

Ray Cover wrote:Bradley, Dont' think that just because a person feels a need to defend their property that they are some kind of blood thirsty killer waiting for the chance to shoot someone. That just isn't reality. I have two teenage daughters and a wife whose safety I am resposnsible for. I cannot take the chance that the stranger lurking through my property is there with noble intentions. If I don't know that person I will run them off, at gunpoint if necessary.

I don't know how things work where you live but around here we are taught to ask a landowners permission if we need to cross their property while hunting and fishing. Its considered part fo being a responsible outdoorsman and respectful to the people whose land your crossing. That is even part of the hunter safety class you have to take to get a hunting license here. It is very disrrespectful to trudge across someones land without permission as if you "own the road" so to speak. Its just common courtesy when you think about it. I think you will find that most folks won't mind if you ask them politely and explain to them your purpose. If they say no you respect that.


I just think that it's unfair for everyone else that you automatically assume everyone who you don't know has ill intentions. It's one thing to start assuming if they are close to your house, vehicles, or storage building. Maybe I'm a different situation then a "drunk hunter" because I travel very far from my home to fish in the locations that I do. I may go several counties out of my own. The fact is I don't always know who owns the land so asking permission is out of the question. To be honest, if I was told in person that I may not use their land; I just drove two hours out, I'm not packing up my things and going home, I'm going fishin'.

I'm not a hunter (though I plan on starting soon) I do shoot though. I never attended safety shooting classes or anything but my Dad always told me that if you ever point a gun at someone your intentions better be to kill, and to follow up with several other shots. I'm not sure if this is common among other people but I completely understand why. Running someone off at gunpoint would be totally irresponsible, even if they had unconcealed weapons. That's a recipe to start a disaster.

I totally understand the bull issue however. I have a friend who actually escaped a bull encounter picking mushrooms. He was lucky. Where I live we don't have big ranch style pasture's, just smaller pastures that are normally enclosed in barb wire. I most certainly don't go around hoping fences. I don't see how someone getting trampled, torn up, and tossed like a beach ball to be your problem though?
12 years ago
I'm new to this forum, and a frequent "trespasser"... Albeit I don't do anything like poaching, littering, or destroying property. I am a simple catch and release fisherman and sometimes the creeks and streams I fish run though private property or I need to pass though private property to get to state owned grounds. As long as someone is not doing something destructive I see no reason why some of the people on this forum feel the need to govern their land as if it was their own country, especially if you own quite a bit of land , say 10+ acres. I never had a problem with this... I've also never been noticed trespassing. It kind of disturbs me to find out that there are some people who think they have the right to kill someone else if they find them on your land. It's disgusting and inhumane way of thinking.
12 years ago