John Valdes

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since Feb 02, 2013
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I was raised with a huge organic garden and fruit trees in the backyard. I took it for granted until I had to move away and live in rental houses...far too many. I'm currently interested in SKIP!, natural building (rammed earth & WOFATI currently), soil biology (Soil Food Web approach) / restoration, food forests, intentional community, homeschool family life, and more. We just purchased 5+ rural acres, and I hope that someday that I can make my permaculture endeavors a full-time life's work, but until then I'm working remotely as a software engineer (previously medical lab scientist) to support my family.
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Upstate South Carolina, USA
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Recent posts by John Valdes

Some of the instructor photos seem mis-aligned or cut off.
Hi Emily, did you ever get any interest in this post?  I’m in Oconee county, and it seems like it’s difficult to find much in the way of Permaculture. Though I did join a fairly active Facebook group, though reluctantly, as I loathe most social media.
5 months ago
I'm currently looking at systems for dealing with waste water (grey/black), so I'm most interested in the Water Biofilters and Composting Toilet Systems with Tim Barker.  
6 months ago
What happened to the recording?  It says that it's not there when I try to watch the streaming version of it.  I have it in "My Stuff".  Thanks!
8 months ago

Sarah lynn Merrill wrote:Also, we found a hay farm on Grier Creek ....

I've sent you back a Purple Moosage!  Thanks for replying.  
10 months ago
Hi, I sent you an email, but also wanted to post on here.  We're looking for land in Upstate South Carolina (Pickens / Oconee counties), but it's proving difficult given our budget and other requirements so far.  We are looking for a place to park our RV and enjoy community and help with homesteading / permaculture, natural building, etc while we continue the search.  
10 months ago

Marianne Hernandez wrote:03/16/2023

Are you still looking to land at an
RV camp where you can stay awhile?

Hi Marianne,

I wish I had seen this earlier, as we just recently were in FL visiting family.  We may be looking for a winter stay down that way, but hopefully we'll be buying land in S. Carolina or TN this Summer!  Thank you for reaching out.  I'll definitely stay in touch.  

- John
1 year ago
The end of the Kickstarter preview movie feels like it stops prematurely or is missing something.

On another note, what about plans for the rocket forge?  I’ve been watching too much Forged in Fire.
1 year ago
Has anyone ever tried using a RMH to kiln dry raw wood for lumber purposes?  I'm curious to know any pros/cons, possible designs, etc.  With the price of lumber, I think it would be advantageous to not only mill your own lumber but kiln dry it quickly for use as needed if you don't have storage space to let it dry naturally.  
2 years ago
I agree that you have to truly earn a reputation here given the effort or coin. I also think this site is different because there is an actionable goal in mind using the site rather than just being a digital microphone for people who want to be heard.