Sunny Kahlo wrote:Do you believe your hemoglobin resolved quickly with the Floradix? I am chronically anemic and I get iron infusions every year for the past 5 or 6 but they make me feel awful for a week after and I need 3 infusions over a month so that's a a long time of dealing with that. Plus they are very expensive. I asked my hematologist if I could try oral iron again and she is giving me 3 months to get my ferritin & hemoglobin higher. She said she would prescribe ferrous gluconate but when I picked it up at the pharmacy it was ferrous sulfate. When I asked, she said it was the same thing (which it obviously is not). So the trust has eroded a bit. Plus I have bad GI issues and reflux already. Your information is very helpful. How long did you steep your nettle infusion and how much did you usually drink a day if you don't mind me asking?
That sounds rough! I can see why trust has eroded.some with your doctor. Do you have an idea what the root cause of your iron deficiency is? Without knowing that, it's so hard to address and correct... it's like continually trying to fill a bucket with a big hole in it. I've had several GI issues over the years as well, so I'm addressing that and liver health, and it seems that's been helping my body with iron absorption.
My hemoglobin had already raised to normal level before I started taking Floradix, but Floradix has been the only supplement so far to raise my iron and ferritin without causing more stomach problems. I hear good things about Mary Ruth's gummy iron from people who can't tolerate other iron very well, so I'm considering looking into that at some point, too. For now, I need the B vitamins that are in Floradix. For some people, the B vitamins in Floradix would be too much, so that's something to keep in mind.
I usually steep the nettle infusions in the fridge overnight. An internet search for Susun Weed's Nourishing Herbal Infusions can give you much more info about it. Many people who drink them go for a quart a day, but it usually takes me 2 days to drink a quart, and I'd have 1-2 per week. Nettles can be rather drying, so I also like it with a pinch of marshmallow root to balance that.
Have you tried a heme-based iron? Simply Heme is the one I see most often used, and I would have tried them but I can't swallow pills. I hope you find what helps you!