Derek Troy

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since Mar 25, 2015
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As I stated in my last post, I'm disappointed, not angry. The disappointment lies only in the video resolution, not with the you, my choices, or the video's content. Thank you for the offer however I must decline.  I appreciate the hard work you and others have done on these, but I've already spent $60 and won't spend any more on this endeavor. Take care and I hope your recovery continues.

Destiny, I agree you can't make everybody happy. Perhaps I'm a minority in watching these videos on a large HD monitor and 1080p TV. Take care.
8 years ago
Outstanding intel Andrew. I'm retiring next year and was really hoping to find a PDC course covered by the GI Bill. Better yet, I plan to relocate to Oregon or Washington so this is perfect. Thanks a lot for posting!
8 years ago
I'm retiring from the military in 2.5 years and this is something my wife and I would love to do. We've both looked into getting our PDC here in Anchorage, AK but have decided to wait until we get back to the lower 48. We have no roots elsewhere so once I retire, and if there are still openings in the ant village, we may just give it a go!
9 years ago