Vega Nunez

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since Apr 11, 2015
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Recent posts by Vega Nunez

Hi John, thanks for your response. I feel the same way about standard wster heaters and have long had an unsightly array of cooking anf water heating pots on my wood king. No shortage of firewood here either but getting it home and cut IS work and time and one should capitalize on that.
Are you aware of a post or two that give approximate temps for short distance from the heat riser unit? I looked at the posts using copper coil, overheating was/seemed an issue but further away would certainly be reduced as well.

8 years ago
Tried sev times to attach a sketch but (on my phone) does not serm to work.
So here the more cumbersome verbal picture.
Take the standard drawing/ design of a basic RMH. 2  - 3 feet along the flow duct/ bench, away from the burn site, picture a second barrel, 30 gal size?, sitting directly (with supports so it does not crush the duct(s)) atop the ducts and being heated by radiating heay from them. Has to be sealed well all round of course. Then the ducts proceed through the bench as is stsndard and exit bwo chimney.

Reason I came to this design is reading in this forum how tricky, high tech (by my definition), and potentially dangerous it is to install a bot water devise closer to or around the riser/barrel.
Logically, the air would have cooled a few feet away from the combustion chamber and, second barrel sitting on top (though insulated), would receive considerably less heat so that a float level control and pressure relief valve may be all the safety prep it needs. Barrel would have water in and outlets, and likely a pump to trandport it to its places of use.
I'll try uploading the sketch again if/when I get to a PC. Perhaps what's presented here is vlear enough for a few constructive, critical comments.
Thanks much.

8 years ago
And after time went 5 months hence
another billy climbed the fence
The dam in corner chewed her cud
as Billy landed with a thud
and took a fall
Says I my freezer is still sated
my knife so sharp however mated
to pairs of interleg protrusion
and finds itself a last solution
to suit us all
8 years ago
Curious what cultivars you plan for the cubes, and with what anticipated result/ rate of success. When I first saw your post, I instantly though of strawberries. Thanks.
9 years ago
Thanks for your reply. I was thinking about the dually to increase length potential without reducing heat effect due to the cooling air in the ducts. But from the diagrams and photos you suggested seems like that may not be necessary.
9 years ago
New to RMH but having big plans ..... and questions. Is anyone aware of the existence of a "dual-fired" (for lack of a better term) RMH, i.e. with firing and combustion set up at each end but sharing the tubing inside the cob/mass heat storage/ structure ("bench, bed, etc.) and exhaust? I haven't thought this completely through and have not the technical oversight of such an arrangement, so wondering on consensus in the community???
9 years ago