Looking for SM who can do monogamy. It won't be boring I promise!
I am currently turning my suburban home into an urban farm and when it's done I suspect my last darling baby girl will be done too. She is already starting to ditch me for more exciting things. Though personally I think I am way more fun then most of her friends
I am brainstorming what to do next. I'm thinking some outdoor adventure and eventually settling semi-north with some seasons and better growing weather. I'm thinking a modest homestead with a nearby farmers market to sell the goods should help fund retirement and a small town of good humoured, good natured people who like the occasional barn dance for some added fun.
I want to learn how to work with wood. My dad was a carpenter but not a teacher. If you know wood and can teach that would be cool and handy. If not then a desire to learn with me would be fun too.
I don't want to get too windy here and if I tell you everything up front we will miss all the fun getting to know each other.
I am a worker bee and believe there is fun in working together. We don't have to like ALL the same things; that would be boring. I think we need to like and agree on about 80%. The rest we can take turns exploring together.
I'm not financially rich, yet, but if you are that is ok. I won't hold it against you
(That is a funny. If you didn't laugh, procced with caution.) If you have not yet made your fortune that is okay too but you need to be able to at least manage your own well enough as do I?
A sense of humor is a must! I love to laugh and have fun while i work. I like, at least, an occasional intelectually stimulating conversation. I have an insatiable appetite for learning. Hope to be the best grandma ever when grandkids come along. Though my kids tell me that is waaay waay off in the future (bummed).
Must love dogs!!
Oh, and I own guns.
If you are still reading and want to learn more shoot me a moooosage or response somehow.
My name is Alicia, the Arizona girl. It is a pleasure to meet me: I mean You. (Another funny
Smile. Life is short.