Idle dreamer
Becky Purvis wrote:
The question I have is, if we had gutters draining to a container, how do you get it out of the container to where you want it? What kind of storage would I use and, more importantly, how do you keep if from becoming a slimy, stinky bacteria producer?
Idle dreamer
NM Grower wrote:
I highly recommend you read Brad's books
Idle dreamer
David Wise, DaBearded1. Doing Permaculture on .5 acre in a suburban setting, in a arid shrub steppe climate.
Idle dreamer
DaBearded1 wrote:
You mentioned that the neighborhood stormwater is directed to a retention basin. You could do the same thing on a smaller scale in your yard, a long (10-15) deep (2-3 foot) hole filled with mulch (wood chips, straw, what-not). This could also be used as the basin for the gray water system. Planting some of the fruit trees around the edges of the pit will allow the trees access to the water and organic matter as it breaks down. Roof run off can also be sent there.
Dave , DaBearded1
Idle dreamer
H Ludi Tyler wrote:
Oh that's sad you won't be able to use any greywater.
NM Grower wrote:
Is the water softener really a necessity?
"To oppose something is to maintain it" -- Ursula LeGuin
David Wise, DaBearded1. Doing Permaculture on .5 acre in a suburban setting, in a arid shrub steppe climate.
Life that has a meaning wouldn't ask for its meaning. - Theodor W. Adorno
Henevere wrote:
The Phoenix Permaculture Guild may also have some resources that would be applicable to your situation:
Idle dreamer
Henevere wrote:
The Phoenix Permaculture Guild may also have some resources that would be applicable to your situation:
Idle dreamer
It was a tommy gun. And now this tiny ad insists on being addressed as "Tommy":
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