Carlos Gomezvelandia

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since Sep 06, 2017
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I'm Bonkers about permaculture, land regeneration, sustainable living, natural building etc.
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Recent posts by Carlos Gomezvelandia

Permies in Europe, any recommendations for a good top quality European Scythe manufacturer based in Europe?
I've seen Scythe Supply do ship worldwide but getting stuff through customs here is such a hassle. Yes.. I have asked google about this, however I'd much rather purchase from a recommended site and a recommended product any other permie here has used and recommends rather than hoping for a good unknown product.
Thks in advance!
5 years ago
HI everyone..
So you got 2 baby males coming with Momma ...  I'm curious about what other Goat experienced permies here would say, I have always heard males should be "processed" asap and maintain only females, lots of people I've read elsewhere are always bashing males, I'm hoping someone here could talk about their experience having males... I've always thought to keep things in balance and natural there should always be at least 1 male in any herd of any animal, but lots of people seem to have problem with male goats in particular.

The other thing.. once these males become mature, wouldn't they be getting "too interested" in their own Momma?
Hoping someone could give some advice on male goats, or perhaps point out to another thread where it has already been discussed at length?
5 years ago
Paul / Shawn ... Seems like those Videos at the 145K goal are driving lots of people to bump up their pledge!

In my opinion, Videos drive more people to bump! than Books ... if this were true, you may see a slow down after the 145 which is around the corner ...
Lets say things slow down at 145 (hope not) .... .is there any chance to put the Sepp Holzer movie say at 155K to get it back to Full speed? Just for the last stretch?

I'm guessing movie from Sepp the almighty may kick things into full speed again much more than the other books .. just saying ..

This all has been great, fun and exciting anyway .. The Well at the Lab is now at your finger tips yipee yeahhhh
5 years ago
To ALL PERMIES HERE!   ONLY 8hrs to go!!
We are all sooooo close to the super sweeeet deal for the 145K stretch goal, the 32 videos from eat your dirt summit.

Folks under 100, this is your chance to invest 100 and get 500$$ plus plus in return, where do you see this ever? Only here! This does not exist in the real world 500++% return on Investment (perhaps in illegal stuff only).

Now to all supporters at the 100+ level:
Folks… lets get together and throw in 20 bucks more each, just 20$ extra investment we all get 87$ extra return from these videos!

Now.. For you folks under 100$ … if just few of you upgrade to 100 we all get not 500% ROI but I’d guess 800% ROI and we would even be enjoying the Sepp Holzer movie.. Is possible!!!

I’m going now for extra 20$ please come Join!!!

gRRR... I wanted to attach screenshot of my updated pledge to 120 to prove I'm serious but dont know how to attach image.. asks for a URL ...

Like this if you joined me into my devious plot!

Please bump!  Bumpitty bump bump!

5 years ago
Paul/Shawn .. 116K WOW Amazing!
If I may add a suggestion .. Please send another email to all folks in all your mailing lists, promoting the 125K Stretch goal that is sooo close, the Permaculture Voices 1 videos, !! Its really close!! and this one alone, worth 75$ on its own will surely drive many to upgrade their pledge to the 100$ level just to get these amazing videos. I'm guessing most folks here would already have most of your stuff already (RMH, WDG etc) but not the PV videos these alone would drive lots of people to increase their pledge.

5 years ago
I backed this project on the very 1st day, i think was like #50 or so, because I fully support this, but also because I got interested in the extra goodies for people who supported in the first 48hrs was the extra deal right?

Now ...the 100$ level just got too good, so I'll be upgrading to 100$ level .. question is ... .. does KS knows or lets you guys now that I actually backed the project on the first day, thus qualifying me for those extra goodies , or would I show up in your reports as backing project just now an would be loosing those extra stuff?

5 years ago
Hi Bryant;
Have you ever (or any permie here ?? ) checked the research and method described and proposed by David Johnson from New Mexico state university?
It amazes me the simplicity of this method  and the “lazy” approach of doing as little as possible (Paul would love the Lazy part!) No-Turn System + aeration tubes +automated watering + worms doing the turning when added after the thermophilic phase .. for any permie interested, this looks awesome!

I think including the suggestions here by Bryant, the adding of soil layers, capping pile with soil, Biochar considerations etc would make this the “Awesomest Maximus”  :-o of all the systems!

Building it:

And for the hardcore geeks that want the FULL 52' lecture:

6 years ago

Mark Sloan wrote:Then why did the beautiful gir bot send me an email saying I've been given access "to the premium content of "Rocket Ovens DVD as tiny download" on"?

Screenshot of email

Few posts above this one is your answer:

Copy paste of paul's message:
posted 6 days ago  
I figured out that a few people were given access to the tiny download that should not have been given access - but I think that is all mended now.  Sorry for the confusion!
HI Paul!
I know this thread is for support... I don't need support :-) , I just wanted to say THANKS! to all you AMAZING! people who made this possible.
The Video, the content, the quality every single detail is just freaking Amazing!.. Not only the Rocket ovens but also all others I got! The RMH DVDs are great too!

I know there are a few more of the "stretchy" goodies coming but even at this stage I have the feeling that I already got WAAAAAAYYYYY more than what I paid for, and in the world we live in this is a very rare feeling, most people tend to make promises and under deliver/barely deliver or even just plainly screw you, is rare to get soooo much more value than what was paid for.

I'll take the opportunity to throw in just one question :) .. was the PDC for Scientist&Engineer  recorded? and will it ever make it into the digital market? Hope it will, cant wait to get my hands on that after listening to the podcast... yes, I'm one of the POD people :)

Thank you again ALL YOU AMAZING people!

For those of us outside the US, who paid the 175 and selected WDG ... is the WDG access coming  as one of those "wonky" situations sorted at the very end? or is it comming soonish??
Since the WDG material is all ready thought perhaps giving the access would be easy and fast since is just granting access.
I'm really keen on WDG