Saralee Couchoud

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since Jan 07, 2018
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Recent posts by Saralee Couchoud

So in my stuff I have world domination gardening movie. But it's only streaming. Is this different? Has it been updated? Can I download it? Is it a physical DVD? Thank you for helping me determine if this is a duplicate of what I have. Happy new year
4 weeks ago
Is there a way to download the streaming video? I have lousy service at home so I have to download everything when I'm in town so I watch at home. Thank you
1 month ago
I bought a rock pot. It is insulated so no heat on outside. Inside you take the "rock " out of the bottom and heat it to 600 degrees. You can do that on a stove top or on a fire. Takes about 30 minutes. Place it back in the bottom of the pot with the provided tool. Put the inner pot in and put your food in. Put the top on the inner pot and close the outer lid. Will cook for 8 to 10 hours. Can use it to smoke meat and you can cook 3 things at once. No electricity required. I love mine. It's a combination of a crock pot and a pressure cooker
1 month ago
I've been collecting old refrigerators and freezers. Take the doors off and lay on back. Drill drain holes about 2 inches from the bottom around the sides. Fill half way with small limbs, leaves and other matter. Then add my dirt. Their free, durable, and you keep them out of the land Fill. They are also just the right height so I don't have to bend
This year is homemade apple cider vinegar and candied citrus. I do wish someone would put out a new deck of cards for the worst case scenario game. Also a receipt book with all the family favorites for the new daughter in law
2 months ago
I'll just keep my chicken snakes, thank you. They eat the mice and vipers. Don't want to unset nature but I do want to be safe
3 months ago
Great idea. And since my property came with 17000 red brick from a project they never finished looks like this would be a great use for them. I love the information about it being stronger also. I have a retaining wall to put in and it makes sense to do it this way.  Thank you
4 months ago