Raven Annasdottir

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since Oct 10, 2020
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Recent posts by Raven Annasdottir

Juliet Blankespoor, a long time ago, used to sell things like Lambs quarters are her local farmers market....and initially had a difficult time UNTIL she made a wild green pesto and made that for sale AND had the recipe cards so that if people wanted to buy the wild greens to make it themselves. *That is her story she tells in her school.

When I chat about the wild foods we forage here - I get all sorts of crazy looks until I talk about the flavor and the increased nutrition in wild foods. We will never eat cultivated Spinach but we will gorge ourselves on Lambs quarters. Foods that need special processing, however, will deter most folks.

Our local market is a producers only market - similar but allows for home made items even if the ingredients aren't local (think breads, jams/jellies etc)....in that I could make floral honeys, such our Redbud honey or Sorrel honey and sell those, even though we don't produce our own honey.

Garlic scapes do decently in our market here but you could also make a garlic scape salt. Rhubarb usually sells out quickly here too.

You can also then market Comfrey leaves as a great garden fertilizer (perhaps even selling the concentrate in jars/bottles)...show the photos of the process and folks may buy them too.

For "weeds" we just have to show people how to prepare them, eat them, use them etc.  
1 year ago
Southern Nelson county here, near Hodgenville! A meet up this summer would be awesome.
1 year ago

We are in central KY (Howardstown) always looking to meet like minded folks. Our kiddos are ranging from 4 years to 15 years (we have 5).  

1 year ago
Highly intrigued. I started to move to felting over knitting due to time but I want to try this now. I know it won't make me a 200 stitch per minute knitter but might make it more enjoyable.
1 year ago
Also Kentucky, in the knobs of central KY.  Not from here though, but got a little piece of land next to a WMA and living life.
1 year ago
I've been working as a clinical herbalist for the last 10 years and as a midwife for 4.

I recently got a new website and am offering distance consults for both chronic health issues, acute health issues, and wise women prenatal consults (even if you are already working with a midwife/OB, I offer consulting from a more radical, by todays standards, approach to birth).

I primarily work with women and children but my herbal services are open to all.

I have a online apothecary opening in May but I've been selling herbal medicines for 6 years. All the herbs come from my hands (grown or wildharvested) or from the hands of another local herbalist.  I steward a United Plant Savers botanical sanctuary.


Thanks for your time!

1 year ago
I've done this work before but its not my specialty.

The Herbal Academy does have a cancer course that I believe has resources for what you are seeking.
2 years ago
2023 dates are getting posted for the various offerings here at Haven Shire Wild.

Feral Families - March
Wild Homeschool Camp - June
Women of the Land - Sept
WinterCraft Camp - Dec

Mukluk making - May
Plant Medicine Making - May
Herbal First Aid - July (tentative)
Wet Felted Boots - Aug
Plant Medicine Making - Sept

Childrens Programs:
The Young Naturalist - April/May
The Young Naturalist - Aug/Sept

All have limited spots as its a small operation over here, which means a lot more individual attention/instruction.

Hope to see some new faces and if you have attended before, hope to see you again!

2 years ago

Casey Pfeifer wrote:

Hi Raven,

Thank you for this detailed post.

I'm curious about your small tin of salt - is that for cleaning wounds? Hydration? Other purposes I'm not aware of?

- Casey

2 years ago

Cindy Haskin wrote:
What part of Kentucky are you in? Do you often teach? After I get moved to WV can I arrange to take a class?
I have long embraced the use of natural/herbal/alternative healing substances; my kids consider me the Medicine Woman of the family, though they are now grown with children of their own. Having lived in the cities of So Cal nearly all my life, there are plenty of herbs I've read about, but have neither grown or used, and many of those will grow back there. We move in March.

I'm in central KY. I don't have any herbal first aid classes scheduled for 2023 yet. They'll be posted on www.havenshirewild.com when they are scheduled though. There will be less classes offered next year because I've got something big in the works!
2 years ago