Blake Lenoir

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since Nov 11, 2020
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Recent posts by Blake Lenoir

Good morning friends! How are you? I'm looking for more help in acquiring some Irish heirloom crops both from the motherland and in the diaspora throughout the world including in America. I'm concentrating on crops from the 1700s and 1800s from settlers and immigrants. Here's a list of varieties I'm looking for.
1. Tipperary Turnip
2. Gortahork cabbage
3. Uncle John kale
4. Winter Roscoff cauliflower
5. Lumper potato
6. Another type of old potato from the 1700s
7. Irish broad beans from the 1700s or 1800s
8. Irish pea beans (red and white beans) from the settlers
9. Irish wheat or rye
10. Irish garlic or onion from the 1700s or 1800s
Those are the varieties I wanna focus on since they're hard to find and few places in the world have those. Please help me obtain some of those historic varieties to help fulfill my goal to restore my grandpa's past and his ancestors in America so the memories can prolong. Please let me know on this site and we'll discuss more in acquiring some of those in my Purple Mooseage page. Have a good day!
1 week ago
Greetings folks! I'm looking for some key Irish crops to plant this year to honor my great grandfather and his Irish ancestry. Here's my list.
1. Tipperary Turnip
2. Gortahork cabbage
3. Uncle John kale
4. Irish prean pea
5. Winter Roscoff cauliflower
6. Lumper potato
Those are all I'm looking for to make my Irish garden more historic. If there's anybody you all know from Ireland who has those, please let me know. Take care!
I mean blenders, mortar and pestle and that type of stuff to hammer corn, beans and stuff to flour to create mush, bread, soup and stuff for recipes, etc. Trying to make some better cornmeal, nachos, taco shells, all for greater taste. Is there some simple material to create mortar and pestle the way ancient people have?
3 weeks ago
I'm putting in four cups of cornmeal to make mush or five cups of beans for flour to create bread. Should I be better off using a large Molcajcte to hammer my corn and beans for flour?
3 weeks ago
Which of these you recommend me to do to mash corn, beans and wheat for flour and mush?
3 weeks ago
I've grinded corn in a smoothie blender and went ok, but there were few kernels remaining. How we protect our blenders from being overworked after trying hard to grain the corn into its soft state?
3 weeks ago
Good evening folks. How's everyone tonight? I'm looking for a suitable mortar and pestle to grind corn and stuff for mush, soup and stuff. I never have used one before, but to try it. Which is the top one for corn, beans, wheat, oats and things of that nature? And do that it improve flavor? Please reach me if you all need me. See ya!
3 weeks ago
What's happening! My prayers out to everybody during this difficult storm of turbulence. Let's not lose hope for these feathered gems and ourselves for it will take serious adjustments to our daily lives and what we do to steer the ship from the spiral ahead. The victory is not far away, it's nearer than we think. God bless!
3 weeks ago
What's up folks! How's everyone? Love to swap for some thicket beans and like to oblige my wild licorice and milkweeds for some if anybody's ok with that. Please see me at my Purple Mooseage to talk more. Peace!
3 weeks ago
What's going on! Like to find how can we enjoy the sight of birds in our backyards in the midst of Avian flu. How can we keep our feeders clean consistently and provide necessary things for survival in this dreadful winter? Should we keep feeders far and far away to keep the diseases at bay? If there are more secure ways to help birds and other creatures this winter to keep the menace from spoiling our pleasure, please let me know. Be blessed!
3 weeks ago