abdalla yasen

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since Dec 06, 2020
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i live in israel and thats our temp all year (CELSIUS)

January 17° / 10°
February 18° / 10°
March 20° / 12°
April 23° / 14°
May 25° / 18°
June 28° / 21°
July 30° / 24°
August 31° / 24°
September 29° / 23°
October 27° / 19°
November 23° / 15°
December 19° / 11°

i have a lawn back of my house, its two sections 1 and 2 .

(section 1) can get two hours maximum direct sun i think even less . maybe in summer i will get more time cuz the sun goes vertically over the year.

section 2) gets no direct sun at all! but it gets light shade very visible because of the building covering sun .

so we decided planting grass lawn . i was going on warm season grass SOD like zoyisa for example. its expensive . so i said i may pay a lot and get nothing because of the conditions.
so i decided getting cool-season TALL FESCUE grass  ( in my country we call it all year season, because we got moderate climate ) .

i planted tall fescue it growing well and im still overseeding it. even in this month, i succeed to overseed cuz temp is not lower than 11C . in day i got 17C.

do you think i made the right decision planting TALL FESCUE instead of zoysia SOD ?
do you think zoysia grass will survive this condition ? or do even tall fescue will survive?

4 years ago

Janet Reed wrote:You ate doing great!😀

haha i wish.

i had hard rain yesterday i think all my seeds moved away haha.
i will try to seed again in 2 weeks or even in spring
4 years ago

Janet Reed wrote:What are your long term plans gor this spot; short grass mowing? Taller grass and flowers?  

Janet Reed wrote:That’s all up to you....assuming you have seed for perennial ryegrass you could let it and the other seed be longer or mow it short.

As far as flowers..you could make formalized beds around your grass...or maybe a walkway with beds.  Or you could just live it up; toss flower seed out into the grass and mow it all when you wanted. Not all flower seed is right for every kind of planting.  Some things are quite invasive and could take over your nice grass.  So I would suggest a plan of action first.  Just dwell on it as your grass grows.

I seed flax into my lawn edges early spring.  It’s so pretty and then I just mow it over at some point.

edit : i cleaned rocks and overseeded heavy hand ! because there will be hard rain and  winds those days,i wish i get thick lawn now.

pic here :  https://ibb.co/8M0DL4n  

i added some  soil on top to cover seed, actually it was potting soil , i wish its hold the seed from winds and rains. :) i will update you later

4 years ago

Janet Reed wrote:What are your long term plans gor this spot; short grass mowing? Taller grass and flowers?  

i think taller grass and flowers looks better! why i may need short grass ?
4 years ago

Eliot Mason wrote:Rye and fescue are indeed common turf or lawn grasses.  What will work for you is totally dependent on your climate and local features like the amount of shade.

Either one makes for a fine lawn.  Seed both and see which one is happier and takes over?

good idea.
but what if i decided later that i wanna tall fescue . can i just stop seeding Rey and just seeding tall fescue? and then the ryegrass disappear and fescue dominate ?
4 years ago

Janet Reed wrote:Well, you do need drainage for plants to grow. They don’t liketo sit in water but seeds need moisture to germinate.  So, you have to kind of watch your progress.

  I would add mulch as was suggested above and give it some time.  Just make sure you relax and enjoy the growth of your lawn!  You can re seed when you feel like you’ve gotten the most out of what you’ve planted.  Good seed !  

Some flowering plants would look lovely along the edges......

thanks i will.

i have another questions if you can help:

i bought a new reygrass seed too . i liked how reygrass looks

i wanna make a mix tall fescue ad reygrass should i make it 60% fescue and 40% reygrass and give it a try ?

will it be nice mix ?
4 years ago

Janet Reed wrote:

abdalla yasen wrote:

thomas rubino wrote:Hi Abdalle;

Two weeks is not very long.   Grass takes time to fill in.
You do have more rock showing up than you should but its small.
Add more screened loam in small amounts. Bring up the soil level slowly, so you don't kill what new grass you have coming up.
Add more grass seed, you can't have to much.
Water regularly. And give it 2 months to fill in.
Then go purchase a lawn mower!
EDIT)   His temperature is in Celsius so its 40-70 F Your grass should grow better now then the heat of your summer!


yes its 60 Fahrenheit. here in israel ,  and never snow here , in January  will be hard rain only.

i ordered clean soil to add on top gradually.  but I killed some grass I was making test. I divided the yard to two sections. one i  cleaned hard and  i will add top soil , the other one I will clean easy and add soil later :) you can see it here


Actually it doesn’t look too bad!  Grass does take time and it doesn’t always take the first planting.  Good moisture, heat and good seed.  Sometimes it is the seed.  Make sure it’s quality seed meant for your climate.  

its not bad but its hurts me when isee those big rocks haha.  i cleaned some i hope im fine now :) ..

do you think i should higher my lawn level to avoid raining drown my seeds?  or just i can reseed in spring right?
4 years ago

Eliot Mason wrote:Yes, these grasses are indeed different species of grass.

"Turf" refers to the characteristics of the grass that allow it to be used as a lawn or playing surface: it can be cut short, regrows quickly and can be walked on (a lot).
"Pasture" grass refers to grasses that are good at developing the proteins and sugars animals need.

The type of grass used for turf is very dependent on climate so there is not a single "best turf grass."

so clear thanks:) actually, i have another two question:

1)does the tall fescue soft on feeling and a nice one or its harsh?

2)do you think i can mix tall fescue lawn with regress later? cuz i know that ryegrass looks good.
4 years ago

is tall fescue a grass type individually?
i mean, does ryegrass is grass type  and tall fescue is another type, and they are both "turf-type" ? the same family ?

i readed something like textured and non textured  grass family!

i wish someone arrange this many informations in my head:) thanks

i hope you understand
4 years ago
edit post : 16 degree celsius not degree fahrenheit sorry.
celuis is our default word to use.
4 years ago