i live in israel and thats our temp all year (CELSIUS)
January 17° / 10°
February 18° / 10°
March 20° / 12°
April 23° / 14°
May 25° / 18°
June 28° / 21°
July 30° / 24°
August 31° / 24°
September 29° / 23°
October 27° / 19°
November 23° / 15°
December 19° / 11°
i have a
lawn back of my house, its two sections 1 and 2 .
(section 1) can get two hours maximum direct sun i think even less . maybe in summer i will get more time cuz the sun goes vertically over the year.
section 2) gets no direct sun at all! but it gets light shade very visible because of the building covering sun .
so we decided planting grass lawn . i was going on warm season grass SOD like zoyisa for example. its expensive . so i said i may pay a lot and get nothing because of the conditions.
so i decided getting cool-season TALL FESCUE grass ( in my country we call it all year season, because we got moderate climate ) .
i planted tall fescue it growing well and im still overseeding it. even in this month, i succeed to overseed cuz temp is not lower than 11C . in day i got 17C.
do you think i made the right decision planting TALL FESCUE instead of zoysia SOD ?
do you think zoysia grass will survive this condition ? or do even tall fescue will survive?