Abraham Palma wrote:When plants are of different families, I let them touch, unless they get too crowded. When they are of the same family, I like to leave the space of a similar plant between them. For example, if a lettuce is 15 cm wide, I leave 30 cm from one lettuce to the next one, measuring from the trunks.
T Melville wrote:I think you've gotten good advice re: spacing above. I would only add that some of your plants are multi-purpose, and the spacing could change according to how you want to use them.
Jenny Wright wrote:This is yarrow from last summer. It's been growing for about a month now. It dies back a little every winter. That's a little under 1 sf but it will get bigger and bushier this summer.
Mike Haasl wrote:I bet it could be contained in something like a large peony ring to keep it more upright... If you wanted..
Mike Haasl wrote:Hey Sharon, I'm thinking of a much smaller chamomile so I'd go with Jenny's suggestion of a foot per plant.
So bocking 14 flowers wonderfully and the bees love it. And it doesn't set seed (as I understand). It will get big.
No idea on the lamb's quarters....