duane hennon

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since Sep 23, 2010
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western pennsylvania zone 5/a
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Recent posts by duane hennon

Here in west pa, poison ivy is everywhere
the berries are winter food for the flickers and other woodpeckers
only humans get a reaction to it
I used to get a reaction to it
now i can walk thru it, pull it and mow it without any problem
it is better than putting up no trespassing signs
I think my lack of response is from me having a clean mind and only thinking pure thoughts :)
5 months ago

in the science forum there is a thread on dodder
The parasite that wires plants together

i forgot how to post link
4 years ago

may I suggest this......


Biosludge spread on food crops will soon contain dead human tissue as Washington legalizes “human composting”

The state of Washington is the first in the union to start “composting” dead human bodies as crop “fertilizer,” bringing to real life the fictitious scenario depicted in the famous dystopian film Soylent Green.

According to reports, Washington’s Senate and House of Representatives approved with strong bipartisan majorities Bill 5001, entitled, “Concerning human remains,” which was signed into law by Governor Jay Inslee, legalizing the “natural organic reduction” of human remains.

Bill 5001 will take effect on May 1, 2020, allowing for human corpses to undergo a process known as “liquid cremation,” whereby alkaline hydrolysis is used to turn rotting flesh and bones into an “organic fertilizer” sludge.

I have no problem with with dealing with bodies this way

but not on food crops
not directly the first go-around

maybe to grow trees or shrubs
that are chipped and composted
with bacteria and fungi
and then put in worm beds

CWD in deer comes to mind
5 years ago

hi Donna,

being somewhat biased and from western pa
i would say the best place to buy them is from me

if interested you can (pm) purple moosage me and we can discuss
5 years ago

everything needs space
everything wants sun
berry bushes are sun-loving
and in a wet climate
(where things grow without irrigation)
they will spread (cane fruits like raspberry, blackberry, etc)
so even though planted in between fruit trees, they will end up underneath fruit trees
and since they are sun-loving, they will send up canes into the limbs of small trees
this can be seen as what was once called a type I error
something that causing needless work,
unless the unwanted canes are chopped and dropped

blueberries are well behaved and don't spread much
but require a moist  acidic soil
and fruit trees do not do well in this environment
so trying to mix them is problematic

they are best kept separate in their own beds

IMOHO , of course
5 years ago

if not already in the works...

I would like so see a badge for people who....

collect berries, fruit, and nuts
then save some the seeds
or thin out overgrown clumps
or take cuttings
and the plant them out
to increase the foraging opportunities for others

foraging shouldn't be a parasitic activity

I seem to recall
I think in one of the early permaculture books
that hunter/gatherers planted/cared for 80%+ of their foraging
5 years ago

and now to stir the pot


Why Killing Coyotes Doesn’t Make Livestock Safer

There is no clear evidence that lethal control works to reduce human-predator conflict. It can even make the problem worse
6 years ago

more work than I want to do
but should be of help for someone

6 years ago

hi Audrey,
welcome to permies

you might find these videos from Clint, the permaculturerealist
also from Kentucky, interesting and useful


6 years ago