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Caroline Wallace

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since Sep 17, 2011
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I'm excited to report that the course is coming together beautifully! We are working with Dave on the intentional design of the course and it's many details as a holistic learning experience. Field trips (a local botanical garden and then hot springs with a geothermally-heated greenhouse, edible and medicinal perennial...) and design project sites have been chosen and soon we will start our 'analysis' of participants to design strong, balanced design teams.

There is still time to sign up but don't delay! Scholarships still available. Find details and information at
9 years ago
UPDATE! We have been able to reduce the cost of the upcoming Forest Garden Design Intensive with Dave Jacke to $1,580-$1,880 on an income-based sliding scale and will still be able to offer scholarships. Go to for scholarship application directions.

One of the best Permaculture Design Courses you will ever do. I've seen dozens of people teach PDCs... most of the big names included, but after doing this course I was so impressed by Dave Jacke's design process that I incorporated it as the central design process I teach in my PDCs.

Dave is the most considered and student focussed teachers in the business and understands more about perennial plant systems than anyone I have ever met. If your permaculture is focussed on creating perennial poly-culture plant systems then Dave is your teacher.

Great testimony, Nick! A training of this caliber and value, in such an idyllic and comfortable setting and at this low price is an opportunity not-to-be-missed. Don't wait, register today!
9 years ago
Edible Ecosystems Emerging:
Food Forestry for the 21st Century
A 9-Day Forest Garden Design Intensive with Dave Jacke
October 2 - 11, 2015 - Feathered Pipe Ranch, Montana

For anyone who has gotten a glimpse of, is higly familiar with, or would like to delve into Dave Jacke’s incredible framework for design of systems (both social and ecological), don’t miss the opportunity to work with him for 9 days at the renowned Feathered Pipe Ranch in Montana. This course is, in Dave’s words, “an ecosystem of itself” – designed, tested, and refined over the past few years. You will dive deeply into the vision, theory, and practice of designing wholesome, dynamic, and resilient edible ecosystems using temperate deciduous forests as models.

Dave will be joined in teaching by Juliette Jones, co-founder of Pittsburgh Permaculture, LLC and co-designer of the Hazelnut Food Forest, and Jessica Peterson and Caroline Wallace, founders of Inside Edge Design, LLC and co-creators of the 6th Ward Garden Park, the first public forest garden to utilize Dave’s design framework. The 9-Day Forest Garden Design Intensive hasn’t been offered in the U.S. for three years! Earlybird rates end May 1, 2015.

More information and registration at
9 years ago
I'm a recent newcomer to making kombucha and have yet to be satisfied with the outcome. Mainly, I can't get my kombucha to carbonate itself even a little after bottling. I have left it out after bottling for as few as 3 days and as many as 6 days.

Also, the flavor has been off each time. Either very, very sweet or a good level of vinegary but with very little flavor (although before bottling I thought it tasted pretty good).

Any advice you could provide will be most appreciated!
11 years ago
WOW. So helpful! I feel like I have some tools to start taking control of my condition now... Thank you!
12 years ago
I've had acid reflux disease since high school and have had to take medications such as Prilosec and Prevacid off and on since then, for years, which really scares me! I recently came across Aloe Vera Juice as a natural remedy but it only works for me part of the time. Are there any other foods out there that can help prevent acid reflux?
12 years ago
Did you dry these additions first? Then you grind them, or does it matter?
13 years ago