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The CARBON FARMING SOLUTION - A Global Toolkit of Perennial Crops and Regenerative Agriculture Practices for Climate Change Mitigation and Food Security
by Eric Toesmeier
Part 1: The Big Idea
1: Climate Realities
2: Agricultural Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
3: Carbon Sequestration Potentials
4: Agroforestry and Perennial Crops
5: A Multifunctional Solution
Part 2: A Global Toolkit of Practices and Species
6: Annual Cropping Systems
7: Livestock Systems
8: Perennial Cropping Systems
9: Additional Tools
10: Introduction to Species
Part 3: Perennial Staple Crops
11: Introduction to Perennial
Staple Crops
12: Basic Starch Crops
13: Balanced Carbohydrate Crops
14: Protein Crops
15: Protein-Oil Crops
16: Edible Oil Crops
17: Sugar Crops
Part 4: Perennial Industrial Crops
18: Industrial Crops: Materials, Chemicals and
19: Biomass Crops
20: Industrial Starch Crops
21: Industrial Oil Crops
22: Hydrocarbon Crops
23: Fiber Crops
24: Other Industrial Uses
Part 5: Road Map to Implementation
25: A Three-Point Plan to Scale Up Carbon Farming
26: Support Farmers and Farming Organizations to Make the Transition
27: Effectively Finance Carbon Farming
28: Remove National and International Policy Barriers
29: Strategic Next Steps