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This Issue: */Agroforestry Systems (Part 2 of 2) /*and Some Other Good Things
*AGROFORESTRY SYSTEMS (Part 2 of 2)//--*Back in March, I wrote,/"I have been asked to update an article on agroforestry. I am especially interested in any new innovative techniques, inventories, or research on the subject that has taken place since 2000." /Some of the following may be of interest to you.//My deepest thanks to the following for their helpful suggestions: Piermaria Corona (University of Tuscia), Mike Underwood(University of KwaZulu-Natal), Michelle.Gauthier (FAO), and August Temu (ICRAF). Cheers. Gyde.//
Martin, Franklin; Sherman, Scott 1992. *Agroforestry Principles.* Revised and updated by Dr. Tim Motis, 2007. Univ. Mass. ECHO Tech Note.
11 p.
http://www-unix.oit.umass.edu/~psoil370/Syllabus-files/Agroforestry_Principles.pdf <
http://www-unix.oit.umass.edu/%7Epsoil370/Syllabus-files/Agroforestry_Principles.pdf>** McGinty, Meghan M et al. 2008. *Agroforestry adoption and maintenance:
self-efficacy, attitudes and socio-economic factors*. Agroforest Syst
(2008) 73:99--108.
Mead, Donald J. 2009. *The current status and potential of agroforestry in New Zealand. *XIII Congreso Forestal Mundial Buenos Aires, Argentina,
18-23 Octubre
MIT. 2011? *Desert Agriculture and Agroforestry.* Mission 2014 -- Feeding the world. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) *http://12.000.scripts.mit.edu/mission2014/solutions/desert-agriculture-and-agroforestry.
Nair, P. K. et al. 2004. *New Vistas in Agroforestry: A Compendium for 1st World Congress of Agroforestry,* 2004 Series: Advances in Agroforestry, Vol. 1 488 p.,
/List of papers at/
http://conference.ifas.ufl.edu/wca/compend.pdf New-Ag. 2009. *Ancient lesson in agroforestry - slash but don't burn.* New Agriculturalist.
Nuberg, Ian; et al. eds. 2009.*Agroforestry for natural resource management. *CSIRO Publishing. 360 p.
http://www.publish.csiro.au/samples/Agroforestry_NRM.pdf** ORC. 2011. *Eco-agro Forestry.* Organic Research Centre. ELM Farm.
http://www.organicresearchcentre.com/?go=Research%20and%20development&page=Eco-agroforestry <
Palma JHN, et al. 2007.*Modelling environmental benefits of silvoarable
agroforestry in Europe.* Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 119:
Powell, George W. 2011. *Top Agroforestry Enterprise Ideas for 2011.*
AgForInsight.com. 7 January 2011. *http://www.agforinsight.com/?p=323*
Pye-Smith, Charlie 2009. *Agroforestry - a global
land use.* World
Agroforestry Centre. Annual Report 2008-2009, 50 p. .
RedOrbit. 2011. *Putting
Trees on Farms Fundamental to Future
Agricultural Development*. RedOrbit.10 February 2011.
http://www.redorbit.com/news/science/1994033/putting_trees_on_farms_fundamental_to_future_agricultural_development/ Schroth, G., et al. 2004. *Agroforestry and biodiversity conservation in
tropical landscapes*. Island Press, Washington, DC. 575 p. //
Sekhar, N. U. 2006. *Traditional versus improved agroforestry systems in
Vietnam: a comparison. *Land Degradation and Development*.* 18(1):
89-97. Abstract.
Slideshare. 2007. *The Future of Agroforestry Science.* 42 Slides.
http://www.slideshare.net/obutuz/futre-of-agroforestry-science-dg-seminar-3068856 Sharma, Sundar P. 2007. *Agroforestry practices in Nepal.* .
Presentation made in the modular seminar on Agro and Farm Forestry
System, Freiburg University, Germany , 25 January 2007
http://www.waldbau.uni-freiburg.de/Download/pdf/MCS_AgroFor_stud_pres_Agrofor_Nepal.pdf Skole, David. 2009. *Developing Small**-**holder Agroforestry
Carbon Offset Protocols for Carbon Financial Markets**-**Twinning
Sustainable Livelihoods and Climate
Staff Writers. 2011. *Putting Trees on Farms Fundamental to Future
Agricultural Development.* Farm News, Seed Daily, 14 February 2011.
http://www.seeddaily.com/reports/Putting_Trees_On_Farms_Fundamental_To_Future_Agricultural_Development_999.html Stancheva, Jordanka; et al. 2007. *Possibilities for agroforestry
development in Bulgaria: Outlooks and limitations.*Ecological
Engineering 29: 382--387.
Steffan-Dewenter, I. et al. 2007. *Tradeoffs between income,
biodiversity, and ecosystem functioning during tropical rainforest
conversion and agroforestry intensification.* PNAS Early Edition. March
9, 2007.
http://news.mongabay.com/2007/0305-sulawesi.html Stigter, Kees. 2011. *Agroforestry in coping with meteorological and
climatological risks. *INSAM AgroMeteorology. January 24, 2011.
Temu, B. August; et al. 2010. *Enhancing integrated approaches in
agricultural learning systems using experiences from agroforestry.
*Scientific Research and Essays 5(16): 2179-2185.
*Transferable Agroforestry Technologies
UMCA. 2006.*Training Manual for Applied Agroforestry Practices. *2006
Edition. University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry (UMCA),
Technology Transfer and Outreach Unit. 425 p.
http://www.centerforagroforestry.org/pubs/training/FullTrainingManual06.pdf** van Noordwijk Meine; Minang, Peter A . 2011. *Another Missing Link in
Climate Change Policy: Trees Outside Forests. *Climate Change,
Agriculture and Food Security. 2 April 2011.
http://ccafs.cgiar.org/blog/another-missing-link-climate-change-policy-trees-outside-forests Wallace, Doug; Straight, Rich. 2010. *2008 Farm Bill Agroforestry.
*Forest Landowner. November/December. 20-23.
http://www.srs.fs.usda.gov/pubs/37273 Walsh, Bryan. 2009.*Farmland Grows, the Trees Fight Back.
*Time.com.**Tuesday, Aug. 25, 2009.
http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1918315,00.html. Read
http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1918315,00.html#ixzz1HtlAmviM Zomer RJ, et al. 2009. *Trees on Farm: Analysis of Global Extent and
Geographical Patterns of Agroforestry. *ICRAF Working Paper no. 89.
Nairobi, Kenya: World Agroforestry Centre.63 p.