books listed below are directly from his podcast. Part 2 coming soon!
Square Foot Gardening (Mel Bartholomew) Beginning
Gardening Book. Gives simple gardening information like when to plant. Tons of simple charts, calendars that guide the gardener on fundamental strategies.
Gaia’s Garden (Toby Hemingway) Best for 5 acres or less. If you only buy one
permaculture book, buy this book.
Permaculture Designers Manual (Bill Mollison) Toby Hemingway’s massive manual on
Permaculture. Contains explicit detail on each subject.
Humanaure Handbook (Joseph Jenkins) Available for free online. Describes strategy for human waste
compost. Paul disagrees with the authors apathy towards poo phobia.
Liquid Gold Better explanation of human
urine vs. human
poop than in the Humanaure Handbook.
No Work Garden Book (Ruth Stout) Explains mulching with
hay and here strategy on planting between hay. Advocates less effort more production gardening. Stops composting and lays compost between garden.
Water Storage (Art Ludwig) Paul wants to memorize. Thin book packed with important information. Paul enjoys author’s measuring methods (ie using a microscope).
Gray Water Book (Art Ludwig) Paul proclaims as ‘the’ graywater book. Explains strategy on making plumbing for housing easier.
The Hand-Sculpted House (Ianto Evans) How to make a small house seem larger. How to make a house a home. Paul believes these elements are often overlooked.
Rocket-Mass Heaters (Ianto Evans with ?) Ernie and Erica are best for optimizing RMHs. Ianto’s book is useful but doesn’t touch on optimization. Ianto’s book may be dated.
Ortho (Branch of Chevron) Books on Lawns, Weeds, maybe more… Surprising source but explains each common plant well. Ways to control organically. Finally talks about Ortho product used to control the weed.
Mortgage Free (Rob Roy) Book says, “stop being a slave to the rat race”. The book lays a plan on how to live super cheap. Save money for a grub stake, then get a chunk of
land. Pay for each step without loans until you have the house of your dreams
The Woodland Year, The Woodland Way, Brown Wood Timber Framing (Ben Law) Woodland is a forest with a symbiotic relationship with a human being. Ben Law explains his accomplishments with woodlands. Explains how human improvement and improve the health of a woodland. Woodland Year is a photo book and focuses on individuals with expertise in different woodland techniques. Brown Wood Timber Framing goes into detail on each species of wood.
Encyclopedia for Country Living (Carla Emory) All-in-one guide for homesteading. Immense. Rags to riches story. Now in tenth edition. Paul disagrees with some information in the book but uses as a guide, along with others, to explore new homesteading techniques. Gives many perspectives on any given technique.
Back to Basics (Readers Digest) General book, well done. Gives many pictures about ‘life on the farm’.
Backwoods Homes Magazine: Canning and Homesteading (Jackie Clay) How to build a life in a homestead out in the middle of nowhere. Talks about canning bacon! Bits Paul doesn’t agree with but overall very knowledgeable.
Salad Bar Beef, Pasture Poultry Profits, You can Farm, Everything I want to do is Illegal, The Sheer ecstasy of being a Lunatic Farmer, Holy cows in hog heaven. (Joel Salitin) Paul did everything Salatin suggested when he first started his farm. Has borrowed from many of his techniques. Salad Bar Beef: paddock shift system for
cattle. Pasture Poultry Profits: move
chickens in a 10x20 pen and move twice a day. Raising profits and quality. Everything I want…Illegal: Long rant. He can’t butcher a hog on his land and
sell bacon. Goes into details why the laws are meaningless and dated. Sheer ecastcy…lunatic farmer: Paul only read the first chapter but highly recommends. Poetic. Paul says ‘Joyous to read’ You can farm: General. Farm setup. Holy cows…heaven: This book explains his philosophies to his best customers.
The Rebel Farmer (Sepp Sepp Sepp! Sepp Holzer) Autobiographical. Good stories. Low on substance high on government woes. Similar to ‘Everything I want to do is Illegal’.
Sepp Holzer’s Permaculture Book is amazing. Lots of information nobody knew. Information is very fresh. Book covers earth
mushroom cultivation, companion planting, grafting, and keeping animals profitably.
Holistic Management (Probably covered in next podcast)