I just caught up with the documentary. I like that it has David Lynch, Sting and Ellen Page for the hipsters, and three heroes of mine - B Fuller, Bernard Lietaer and John Todd - for the stodgy
I also like this, which, I think resonates with the 'awareness-raising' aspect of the the doc (but this was a comment on 'Thrive') -
"....If you want to do something, if you really want to fight the system, you have to get utterly and completely radical — find what makes you happy and do it.....
"I am not talking here about what makes you comfortable. Nor am I talking about what makes you feel safe, what assuages your guilt, what feeds your
ego. I’m talking about the sheer unadulterated joy of doing something you probably haven’t even thought of in years..........
"...The happier you get, the freer you are from the system’s evil clutches. The more joy you have in your everyday life, the less you even give a s--- about what the vampire squid is doing. That, my friends, is how to take down the system — if you are invested in the system, whether by fighting it or by participating in it, it retains its power. If you ignore it, it has no power over you. And if a critical mass of people ignore it, it has no more power period. The
energy, the harmonics, are shifted into creativity. Like yoga, it doesn’t hurt and if it does, you’re doing it wrong."
from -
(is this ok to do?)