OK, here's Hildegard of Bingen's 'tranquilizer' - "Quenched Wine" -
--take a known quantity of wine (any color, quality, etc.) and bring it to the simmer, and immediately...
--remove from heat and add same quantity of cold
water --use when cool, or put in storage container for future use.
She was a 12th century polymath and Benedictine abbess, whose writings on medicine have been used by alleopathic German docs, and a book of the same has been translated into English - I think Amazon has it.
A mathematician/IT mgr friend, who is fluent in German and Latin, was amazed at the immediate effect, when the extreme frustration of the corporate world was driving him back to smoking. His similarly professional, and skeptical, wife also had the same result. And a young man I'd given a quarter cup to, also had a surprising one-minute mood change - from angry, upset, and frustrated, to whistling happy-go-lucky fella.
The amount taken is irrelevant - 2 T to a cup, or so - effect is the same. And it's immediacy belies the suspicion that it is the result of the alcohol, which, anyway, is somewhat heated off, and largely diluted.
So.....I have a jar at hand in the cupboard....it keeps .... forever?