What with the impending move* we couldn't afford to buy a seeder this year. We also intend to use
ruth stout method mulching and that is not compatible with a push seeder. So I made this in about 20 minutes. It is the Hobbs Seeder version 1.0, is 4 ft long, and is simple to operate. You just jab the pointy end into the ground to the depth needed for what you are planting, lift it out, drop a seed into the funnel at the top, and tamp it with your foot. Repeat as needed. The materials needed are a dowel or broomstick, a length of half inch ID tubing (metal helps use less force to poke the ground), something like sheet metal or thin
cardboard to make the funnel, and duct tape. Lots of complicated jab seeders exist and I have one for large seeds from the 1880s. This one though is dead simple and anyone can make it. I already had copper pipe for this but conduit would work too.
*(we are under contract for a farm near Portsmouth OH)