Hi Geoff, I understand from
http://permacultureturkey.org that you and Bill M were in Istanbul to give a
PDC last November. Unfortunately at that point, I'd just barely heard of
permaculture. I'd love to hear what some of your key observations about Turkey and
Permaculture in Turkey are. What are particular challenges you see to the implementation of
permaculture in Turkey? Are there any great stories of hope or success in this country that you can point to? Did you actually get a site going here in TUrkey, or are there already some active sites that I don't know about?
I'm currently living at an Air Force base in southern Turkey and longing to have that little homestead of my own so that I can begin doing
permaculture. I'm living in a home with a
yard for the first time since college however here at the base and am loving the opportunity to do a little implementation of the permaculture dreams I've developed over the last year thanks to the work of Paul Wheaton and
Jack Spirko. I wish I could have joined your
PDC when you were in Turkey last year.
If there is anyone else on Permies from Turkey, I'd love to hear your questions for Geoff in this
thread as well.