Greetings! How would you deal with the masses of slippery goop? I'm a lazy composter and would happily let the worms devour it in it's own time. If there is a critter that could join the flock that enjoys goose poo? Or am I just trading in the weedeater for a
poop rake?
Happily so if I can stop hearing complaints about foxtail from my persnickity relatives. There is a dog breeder on site and if I don't need to be asked to hand pull weeds from fencelines ever again I would be a happy camper. I've raised my fair share of poultry, though no geese. I was bystander to the raising of one abandoned wild gosling who only lived 6 months. I'm in the market for them because my family is obsessed with lawns. My fiance and I seem to be the only ones actively mulching the grass down. But our garden space is less than an acre in this sixty acre plot.
The family is huge into conventional agriculture, I'm not. I want to introduce this natural grass eater to free up everyone's time. It's ridiculous how much they mow. But I know the poop will disturb them. I welcome the poop! Lovely mashed up poop is going to be a treat to this lazy composter. But I am alone (with fiance) surrounded by weirdos who scrape Earth to lay down
wood chips! AH! Let's all make life easier and delegate
lawn mowing to a full time poop machine so we can do things like play with children and gather more mulch!
Ultimately I plan on creating a family unit that includes goats
rabbits geese quail and a big fluffy guardian dog. Rabbits may eat poo... But only their own. Also.
Chickens are dumb and loud and annoying and destructive. Raised them since I was little. I'm over it. Suggestions?