"The Urban Farming Guys - Sharing Knowlege... Feeding Nations... Great technology... Inspirational"
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Epic story of about 20 families that uprooted from suburbia and made their homes for good in one of the most blighted neighborhoods in the U.S. Lykins Neighborhood 64127 Inner
City KCMO to invest thier lives into the youth and poor. We've seen it all, yet together as Lykins Neighborhood we believe there is hope. And the game is changing, Crime is dropping! 21% over the last 2 years and the adventure continues to unfold. Follow the story at TheUrbanFarmingGuys.com Featuring
Food hitting our plates with who knows what pumped into it and growing economic uncertainty. We took the seeds in our pockets and every square foot we owned and went about like mad scientists testing out innovative ideas from all around world and making them work in one of the most blighted neighborhoods in the US. Everything from urban fish farming to alternate
energy. Now let's pass it on... to our neighborhoods and the nations. We believe you are part of the solution
Great technology, inspirational, ...!
More videos from The Urban Farming Guys at:
More good stuff like this: keep-those-branches-twigs-rotton-logs, permies.com and richsoil.com are like "Bee Hives" for Honey Badgers, if you want to know about permaculture, helping save the world, and that kind of stuff... great sites and great community of people sharing information on permaculture building blocks ...
Monte Hines