Hi All,
Just FYI we are forming a Permaculture Study Group in Okanogan area of North Central WA. The first meeting will be Friday Feb. 17th at 6pm (pot luck too) at Skeeter's house in Tonasket, WA. Please contact me if you have questions, my email is: barbarashortgreene@gmail.com my phone: 360-710-3088.
Thanks hope to see you there,
I believe we will be there Any more details about what is acceptable pot luck food?
Need more info?
Ernie and Erica
Wood burning stoves, Rocket Mass Heaters, DIY,
Stove plans, Boat plans, General permiculture information, Arts and crafts, Fire science, Find it at www.ernieanderica.info
To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing - Elbert Hubbard / tiny ad