Hi Patrick,
This may not be much help, but if you want to come south to the OkanOgan, we have started a Permaculture "Study" Group here in Tonasket and around the US county of Okanogan. We usually meet at Skeeter and Peter's house, I would be happy to put you on our email list, I only email if we are meeting or doing work
bees (helping one another on some sort of permi
project). My name is Barbara Greene my email is:
barbarashortgreene@gmail.com and I took one of Skeeter's PDCs in 2004, had a small organic farm on the coast, did permi stuff there and moved here because of my friendships with several organic farmer friends and of course Skeeter too!
Our next potluck meeting is scheduled for Aug. 9th at Skeeter's house at 4 Western Ave. Tonasket at 6pm, we will be setting up more work
bees and talking about what we might want to read or study in the winter when we are too snowed in to do much work outside.
I hope you find fellow permies up in BC, when I looked on "Meet Up" there were several groups that met up in Penticton or nearby and none "down" here, that's why I started this one, 'cause I also have to work and couldn't zoom all over to the really cool things that Paul and Skeeter are always doing
Perhaps "if you start it they will come" put up some fliers around your town and see what happens, I feel we are all students and all teachers on this bus, maybe it will help?
Good luck and I hope to see you sometime down here or up there.