Thanks to you, Tel, I was able to add my location! I had already looked where you said, but obviously I overlooked "location".
An ascending moon is between the dark of the moon and the full moon... in other words when the moon is getting larger. That's when the cuttings will have the most sap.
Best signs for all of this Spring for taking cuttings are in March, late in the day Mar 14 to before midnight Mar 16 on the west coast However, Mar 6-8 and 12-13 are also good. I'm just learning biodynamic planting times even though I've gardened for many years. So far my results have blown me away! Maria Thun's biodynamic planting calendar is wonderful, and the result of 50+ years of trials. (Amazon carries it.)
I'm excited about the Babington's Leek... my first real perennial vegetable besides the common rhubarb, Jerusalem artichoke, asparagus, etc. As I understand them, the leaves (tasting like leeks) can be harvested even in the first year, but the bulbs really need 2-3 years to mature before harvesting any of the bulbs without hampering the future growth. I think they will make bublets on their tops at the end of the first growing season. The bublets may fall to the ground and
root, but I put the ones sent to me in a baggie in the crisper for several months. They started putting out tiny
roots in January so I potted them up. Most are about 4-5" tall now, but it's too soon to plant them outside here just yet. We had 4" of snow this morning.