posted 4 years ago
One day a fella knocked at an old farmer's door... and when the farmer opened the door, before he could even say hello, that man showed him a laminated card and said, "I am a government official here to inspect your farm. I can go anywhere and inspect anything and you can't stop me." The farmer answered, "Well, go 'head on." and slammed the door in his face. About 30 minutes later, the farmer hears the man screaming, "Help! Help". He looks out and sees his bull chasing that fella around the pasture. So, he ambles out there to watch the show. the man yells, "In the name of the United States Government, I order you to HELP me!" The farmer answered, "Just show him that little card you got there that tells all your authority!"
(old Justin Wilson story)
"Them that don't know him won't like him and them that do sometimes won't know how to take him... he ain't wrong, he's just different and his pride won't let him do the things that make you think he's right"