If your yarn is all non-acrylic then another crafting or fabric creation option might also be Needle Felting, which you can do in your sink or a large tub. If you have fun or interesting colors in this scraps collection, and an artistic/creative streak, you might enjoy "painting with yarn" by needle felting the scraps onto/into a felted base fabric that you treat as your "canvas". This could make an interesting wall-hanging/drape that could serve double duty, beyond being decorative, hung as an added insulation barrier just as castle tapestries were hung to cut down on drafts.
Smaller fun needle felting projects might be children's toys or ornaments. Starting by felting a base body of a bird or animal in a neutral or uniform body-color, then with needle felting method you can use your orts to add details. A little googling will provide loads of inspirations and if you think you'd enjoy those types of small projects you may end-up with a whole stash of creations for next year's holiday gifts. You can also see examples of some pretty interesting needle felted "jewelry" on Etsy. There's a whole technique for making small felted balls that essentially take on the role of beads and can be very easily then strung together as a necklace, etc.
If your orts offer a less than inspiring color collection, or perhaps you're not feeling quite so artistically inclined, remember that orts are also great for stuffing toys and pillows. Sew a muslin "skin" for the toy or pillow, then stuff away. Good for disposing of small qualities of clip ends from all your other yarn projects. And if they end up too ugly, or too small, to be appreciated as toys for kids... stitch a braided tail on any ole shape and cats will love to swat it under the sofa (if you stuff some nip inside it then it will even be worth retrieving from under the sofa too).
If you come up with quite a large supply of scrap ends, you might consider making a wool alternative to a down coverlet (anywhere from bed sized or lap sized) by sewing a muslin skin stitched down in rows of "tubes" that you stuff with all your collected wool orts.
Like so many things in
permaculture, once orts breakthrough the mental firewall that trains us to think of scraps as useless disposable waste ... we find ourselves swimming in a sea of possibilities... as there are always lots of ideas for what we ort to do with our orts. And, when all other uses seem exhausted, we're still left with a great underutilized Scrabble word that is remarkably stackable and an easy bridge to the hard to reach triple word score squares! ...plus useful when you're down to using up those end-of-game leftover letters... which, as "small leftovers" are themselves orts of a sort too.
Here's to a
Permie celebration of the whole notion of making all Sorts of Use of Orts of all Sorts... be they wooly or otherwise.