I started my first real garden in October 2011. I planted rye and wheat (not sure which kind) with red clover in the one of the beds after digging out the centipede grass. The grains and clover are just starting to form heads and flower; they are about 18 inches high. The bed behind that one is planted with garlic, turnips, mesclun salad mix, and fingerling carrots. It consists of
newspaper, leaves, and soil on top of the grass. Beyond that is a
hugelkultur bed and sheet mulch (dead leaves, food scraps,
urine, sod, etc.) I am experimenting with seed balls for planting more wheat/rye/clover directly into the grass; I also scattered about 15 kinds of veggies and flowers seeds in another area after raking the grass out. The area is surrounded by
trees to the south, west, and north and the house is to the east, so the area gets lots of harsh noontime sun and not much morning or afternoon sun. Bog salvia to repel
deer, a 3-4 year old pomegranite tree, a blueberry bush (birds grab every last berry), rosemarry, one blackberry, three raspberry (clones of eachother),
volunteer mahonia. Cecil sandy clay loam. Septic tank (no idea where it extends to). Garden hose nearby, but I prefer to use it as little as possible.