When digging holes on my clay slope to plant my fruit
trees last February, I came across dozens of small penny sized (or slightly larger) tubers that resembled potatoes somewhat in skin and colour.
Being curious as to what they were, I took some home with me and threw them into a pot on my balcony to see what would come out. I’ve been anxiously looking at what would grow, given that it looked like my slope was full of these tubers. I was slightly disappointed to see that something suspiciously looking a lot like ground elder popped up. Don’t get me wrong, I like ground elder to eat, but the thought of the whole slope where I intended my orchard and veggies to go, being completely covered with ground elder, is slightly horrifying.
In any case, the more I thought and researched about it, the more confused I got, because I can’t find anything about ground elder growing tubers...
Do I have my ID of the plant wrong, or is there a rare situation or variety in which ground elder grows tubers? I can imagine that if the ground elder does seem to grow tubers, that tells me something about my soil?