Author -
Michael Ableman
Publisher -
New Society Publishers
New Society Publishers says, "Urban farming has the power to change diets, economies, and lives. Yet starting an urban farm can seem daunting with skills and knowledge that extend beyond growing to include marketing, sales, employees, community relations, and navigating
local regulations.
Farm the City, Michael Ableman, the 'Spartacus of
Sustainable Food Activism,' offers a guide to setting up and running a successful urban farm, derived from the success of Sole Food Street Farms, one of the largest urban agriculture enterprises in North America. Sole Food Street Farms spans four acres of
land in Vancouver, produces 25 tons of food annually, provides meaningful work for dozens of disadvantaged people, and has improved the surrounding community in countless ways."
About the Author
New Society Publishers says "Michael Ableman has been a commercial organic farmer for the past 45 years. He is one of the early visionaries of the urban agricultural movement and founder of the nonprofit Center for Urban Agriculture. He has helped create high-profile urban farms in Watts and Goleta, California, and is co-founder and director of Sole Food Street Farms in Vancouver, British Columbia."
Where to get it?
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