I have this friend in UK. He’s scared of governmental surveillance so he doesnt tell me his name
online, which is where I met him. He vagabonds throughout the UK. He likes the coast for dulce and whelks. He plays harmonica for busking. He looks like a bum sometimes if not all the time. He has a cracked and chipped front tooth, he is 31 years old. He has facial hair usually. He never showed me himself because of fears of governmental oversight on social media. We have talked on voice chat once and he sounded youthful.. He told me he has round eyes, and his hair is not ginger or blonde, its dark brown and it’s peppery bc its starting to grey. He sometimes limps a little from a back made bad from a bad
mattress he used in the past. Online he goes by the nickname of “Aaro”/“Aaron” but he might not fake his name in real life situations. He camps all over the place with his tent and is frienda with the hipsters and the ecopunks. He likes to forage and is real smart. You can be his friend too, but Im wondering if he died because he told me on August 22 2020 that he couldnt sleep for a couple days from viral sinusitis.
Besides that, were also taking a digital break from each other so he can do other things cuz we would DM a lot. Therefore I dont know what the reason is for him not responding to me since that message where he responded.
Email me at
dafeeduck28@gmail.com to contact me more immediately