Ive made a smallish
hugelkultur bed in the frontyard of my house. I've planted
trees, shrubs and young pumpkin and zucchiniplants on it, along with some weeds (plantago, violets, comfrey). I've been watering it because we are having a dry spell and the bed's still fresh. Now the
rabbits are digging trough to the logs in the bed, eating and dislodging plants in the proces.
Shooting or snaring the buns is not an option, as the garden is in plain sight of the main road.
Ive dug a trench a half foot down down, taking away the topsoil. Put in one year old logs (birch), filled the openings with soil and build the soil up again, using
compost and the topsoil, leaving a shallow trench surrounding the whole structure. Right now it's about 2-3 feet high, 6 feet long and 3-4 feet wide at the base.
Have I done something wrong? I've just used the info on this site/richsoil... as I write this post the mailman drops of the Holzerbooks I orderered from Germany so I can do some more reading.