Clear the aea of the trunk to be grafted of thorns and leaves. Clean the trunk with 10% bleach water solution. I scrub with a tooth brush. I also clean under my fingernails and fingers.
Grafted tree is outside with the main trunk broken over but alive. The main trunks foliage is in full sun as well as the new grafted shoot. the shoot takes dominance because it is the highest part of the tree and the main trunk is badly injured but still producing food for the whole tree.
Seville sour orange with New zealand lemonade scion getting 8 hours of lamp light after the sunset. The main trunk is in relative darkness to encourage the tree to put its resource in the fruiting quality new growth.
11-21-2020 This is a follow up on 1 of the 6 grafts on New Zealand lemonade to Seville sour orange root stock.
Tree has a 5 gallon reflective white bucket fitted with a 13 watt daylight CFL to provide heat and bright light to the tree where I want most of the new growth.
New growth splits easily from the trunk. The cable is to prevent splitting while the tree is quit vulnerable.
A good view of the 6 growth shoots seen through a peap hole to the side of the light fixture.
The tree is now 8.5 months old and setting out more shoot even though it is still often cold and in the 40's F. The tree is also setting flower buds. The New Zealand lemonade grafted to sour orange grows very fast so I can let it set fruit with it hurting the tree.