I received requests for my notes from this show, so here you go:
Thanksgiving Herbs
The bulb is anthelmintic (destroys parasitic infections), anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative (expells gas), diuretic, expectorant, febrifuge (reduces fever), hypoglycaemic, hypotensive, lithontripic (bladder/kidney stones), stomachic and tonic. When used regularly in the diet it offsets tendencies towards angina, arteriosclerosis and heart attack. It is also useful in preventing oral infection and tooth decay. Baked onions can be used as a poultice to remove pus from sores. Fresh onion juice is a very useful first aid treatment for bee and wasp stings, bites, grazes or fungal skin complaints. When warmed the juice can be dropped into the ear to treat earache. It also aids the formation of scar tissue on wounds, thus speeding up the healing process.
fungicidal, antiseptic, tonic and parasiticidal. it possesses outstanding germicidal properties and can keep amoebic dysentery at bay. It is also said to have anticancer activity. aids detoxification of chronic lead poisoning. beneficial effect on blood system and the heart. arteriosis, reduces glucose metabolism in diabetics, lowers the risk of further heart attacks in myocardial infarct patients. juice is an excellent antiseptic for treating wounds. The fresh bulb is said to be anthelmintic, antiasthmatic, anticholesterolemic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, cholagogue (promotes bile), diaphoretic (induces sweating), diuretic, expectorant, febrifuge, stimulant, stings, stomachic, tonic, vasodilator.
Black Pepper
Black Pepper Aids Digestion, Antioxidant, Cold and Flu Remedy, absorption of turmeric, Aromatic, stimulant, febrifuge. good for constipation andurinary organs; externally it is a rubefacient, to prevent griping. As a gargle it is valued for relaxed uvula, paralysis of the tongue. aids digestion, duspepsia (indigestion), flatulence and nausea. It has also been used in vertigo, paralytic and arthritic disorders. It has also been advised in diarrhoea, cholera.
highly nutritious and vitamin and mineral supplement in their own right. diuretic where it is effective in ridding the body of stones and in treating jaundice, dropsy, cystitis etc. It is also a good detoxifier, good for rheumatism. Parsley is antidandruff, antispasmodic, aperient (mild laxative), carminative, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogue (stimulates menstration), expectorant, galactofuge (reduces lactation), kidney, stomachic and tonic. useful for treating anaemia.
remedy for disorders of the digestive system. Its antiseptic gargle for sore throat, muth ulcers etc. Toothache. Herb is antihydrotic (reduce excessive sweating), antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, carminative, cholagogue (bile), stimulant, tonic and vasodilator. treatment of excessive lactation, night sweats, excessive salivation, anxiety, depression, female sterility and menopausal problems.
used especially as a tonic and pick-me-up when feeling depressed, mentally tired, nervous etc. Rich in volatile oils, flavanoids and phenolic acids, which are strongly antiseptic and anti-inflammatory, antioxidant activity. The whole plant is antiseptic, antispasmodic, aromatic, astringent, cardiac, carminative, cholagogue, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, nervine, stimulant, stomachic and tonic. Steam is effective in treating headaches, colic, colds and nervous diseases.
antiseptic and antioxidant, good for respiratory. anthelmintic (parasites), strongly antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, deodorant, diaphoretic, disinfectant, expectorant, sedative and tonic. dry coughs, whooping cough, bronchitis, bronchial congestion, asthma, laryngitis, indigestion, gastritis and diarrhoea. tonsillitis, gum diseases, rheumatism, arthritis and fungal infections. The whole herb is used in the treatment of digestive disorders, sore throats, exhaustion, depression, upper respiratory tract infections, skin and scalp complaints etc.
Anti-rheumatic, sedative, urinary antiseptic, carminative, reduces blood pressure, antifungal. relieves indigestion, stimulates the uterus and is anti-inflammatory.
The plant is analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, aromatic, carminative, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, galactogogue, laxative, stimulant and stomachic. An infusion is used in the treatment of indigestion, abdominal distension, stomach pains, kidney stones, cystitis. It can also be used as a gargle for sore throats and as an eyewash for sore eyes and conjunctivitis. seeds isafe and effective cure for wind in babies.
remedy digestive problems. treating gripe (sharp bowel pains) in babies and flatulence in children. The seed is aromatic, carminative, mildly diuretic, galactogogue, stimulant and stomachic, helping to settle colic. useful addition to cough, cold and flu remedies, it can be used with antispasmodics such as Viburnum opulus to relieve period pains. Dill will also help to increase the flow of
milk in nursing mothers and will then be taken by the baby in the milk to help prevent colic.
treatment of digestive complaints, antispasmodic, carminative, relieves bloating, improves the appetite. prevents griping. antiseptic, aromatic, digestive, emmenagogue, expectorant, galactogogue and stimulant. The seed is also used in the treatment of bronchitis and cough remedies. increase the production of breast milk in nursing mothers. A tea made from the seeds is a pleasant stomachic and carminative, it has been used to treat flatulent colic.
good for blood sugar, promotes sweating, antispamotic, antiseptic, uterin stimulant, Carminative, astringent, stimulant, antiseptic. It stops vomiting, relieves flatulence, and given with chalk and astringents is useful for diarrhoea and haemorrhage of the womb.
Good for nausea, Stimulant, carminative, given in dyspepsia and flatulent colic excellent to add to bitter infusions; specially valuable in alcoholic gastritis; diarrhoea where there is no inflammation.
The most stimulating and carminative of all aromatics; given in powder or infusion for nausea emesis, flatulence, languid indigestion and dyspepsia, and used chiefly to assist the action of other medicines.
Is Anti-inflammatory, Aids in Digestion, Increases Immunity, Antioxidant, increasing the flow of blood and circulation, good for Heart Health, Bone health, Metabolism, Helps prevent Cancer, Helps improve the function of the brain, vitamins A and B9, Copper, It helps in the maintenance of Healthy Blood Cell Count, It helps in relieving Menstrual Cramps, analgesic and anti-inflammatory, Helps in Fighting Fungal and Bacterial Infections
allspice kills bacteria and inhibits fungal growth in your food. Helps in treating Depression, Helps in treating Menopause Symptoms
local stimulant to the gastro-intestinal tract, Both Mace and Nutmeg help digestion in stomachic weakness, antispasmodic, appetite stimulant, anti-inflammatory
Carminative and pectoral (relieves chest and lungs). Good for coughs and pectoral affections, promotes expectoration.
Vit C, good for heart, prevent kidney stones, diuretic, protects against anemia, reduce cancer risk, digestion
Apple good fiber, good for liver
anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, antirheumatic, heals tissues by encouraging cell proliferation, liver decongestant
aid in reducing blood cholesterol, reducing osteoarthritis pain, or relieving itching caused by chronic kidney disease.
Red Pepper/Cayenne
circulatory stimulant, promotes sweating, gastric stimulant, carminative, antiseptic, antibacterial, stimulating nerve tonic
Antispadmodic, digesstive tonic, prevents vomiting, carminative, relaxes peripheral blood vessels, promotes sweating, promotes bile flow, analgesic
Anti-depressant, antiseptic, stimulates adrenal cortex, prevents vomiting, tonic, carminative, febrifuge, expectorant, soothes itching
Anti-microbial, good for coughs and colds, may regulate menstrual
Cilantro might help remove metals such as mercury, lead, and aluminum from the body. Removing these metals from the body might help some antibiotics and antiviral medicines work better. Cilantro might also help eliminate certain bacteria that cause infections.
Prevent gas, An epazote tea is made from the plant’s leaves and flowers and ingested in moderate amounts. Intestinal cramps and other stomach and liver problems may be treated in the same way
Pumpkin seeds
Anitoxidant, good for prostate inflammation, good for bladder, reduce cancer risk, high magnesium, good for heart and blood sugar
laxative, astringent, antibacterial
antidepressant, restorative nerve tonic
Stimulant, astringent, antioxidant, antibacterial, diuretic