I'm all for pie. I'd just have to try to figure out how many Weight Watcher Points a slice was and record it. (Losing weight is HARD) Besides Weight Watchers encourages us to try new fruits and vegetables.
I even have an idea for world peace. However, I'm fairly sure it won't work because humans are, well, HUMAN. The idea? Simple. Stop hurting each other and play nice. Oh, and share stuff instead of fighting over it. Kinda like we were taught in grade school. Say didn't some body already write a book about that?
Oh, and Paul or anyone else who might know, I have a question about hugelculture beds. Here in Texas the summers can be brutal and droughts are not uncommon (like last years). So I'm thinking maybe here in N. E. Texas (east of Dallas) it would be best to dig a nice deep
swale (on contour of
course) then stuff it full of all the downed
wood that litters my place that I've been so hesitant to burn (not because of the danger of it getting out of hand like I tell my neighbors though). Then I could put some of the dirt back in before adding to the pile. Maybe even leave a drive through space so I can get down to the end of my sloping pasture with a truck if need be. Specifically a fire truck, just in case.
Once the wood is piled as high as you want your supposed to cover it with dirt as I understand it. I'm guessing that using the muck from the man made
pond on my
land (we call them 'tanks') would be a good thing.
If all that will work, great. Now all I have to do is find the cash to pay for the equipment and an operator that won't laugh at my crazy idea's.