Hi, I'm new in this forum and I think permaculture is a state of mind or entry point to be self sufficient as most of the environmental unaware and skilled garage dyers are.
I think both trends are necessary but sooner or later they keep us dependent from the industrial fabric and mining or are far more inefficient that scaled industrial processes, consuming a lot of indirect resources.
Thats why I suppose that minifactories with chemical and energy integrated processes can fill the gap and can work as good as numerical machines like 3d printer, cnc, lathe, sewing machine, tape rolling, etc that if integrated they can bring all manufacturing processes in one platform.
Besides that I think we need to stop using electric energy and metals and use direct thermal energy or mechanical energy from concentration solar and hydro-wind and use bio thermoplastic or bio thermosets with mineral biofibers as fiberglass and basalt fiber and lignin based biofibers as carbon fiber and nanocellulose fibers.
I'm currently gathering most of the basic tools to make a minifactory and biorefinery, which is mostly pdfs from libgen.rs and cheap arduino boards and sensors to automate all the processes (even I don't have any idea of computer programming) and I wanted to know if someone here is interested in this kind of project I could post ideas and developments.