There is a link to an html browsable sister site down below.
There is also a downloadable app, so you can set up searches on your computer, without having to send em in, and wait.
Dont see a downloadable database tho. Might have it in the app.
I didn't have any luck with common names at all.
But am always looking for desert N fixers, and this gives me the worlds supply.
They are also doing a
root nodulation
project, but i can't find it on either site.
Root Nodulation
ILDIS currently has two root nodulation projects.
Joe Kirkbride (USDA) is creating a database that records the presence or absence of root nodules.
Janet Sprent (University of Dundee) is compiling data, not only on nodulation, but on various nodule characters, such as structure, morphology, mode of infection and, where possible, type(s) of rhizobia.
Further information on root nodulation projects